Goldendoodle Puppy Health Care - Essential Guide | Codi Goldendoodles LLC

Puppy Health Care

Maintaining Your Puppy’s Health


From eight weeks onwards, we will administer the first round of vaccinations and a health check for your puppy. We will provide all necessary medical records, including the vaccination and vet check-up records.

For comprehensive protection, puppies require two additional immunizations—the first one month after the initial shot and the second one month after that. An annual booster shot is recommended after this initial cycle. Rabies shots are also vital and will need yearly updating.

Please keep in mind the importance of protecting your puppy from unvaccinated dogs and their bodily fluids until your puppy's vaccinations are complete. Avoid dog parks or high traffic dog areas to minimize the risk of exposure to parvo and other diseases.

Flea and Tick Prevention:

To guard your puppy against serious health issues like Lyme disease and worm infections, we recommend regular flea and tick medication. We use and advise Frontline, which has given us satisfactory results and is conveniently available at Costco. Your vet can possibly recommend other options as well.

Unfortunately, natural flea and tick management products or flea collars don’t usually provide ideal results. If your puppy contracts a tick, make sure you have the appropriate tool for removal. Incorrect removal can lead to infection from remnants left in the wound.

Pet Health Insurance:

We encourage you to consider pet health insurance like Fetch. Premium plans for our Goldendoodle puppies are typically low cost as they are usually categorized as a low health risk.

Post-Walk Inspection:

After walks, it's prudent to check your puppy for ticks, burrs, foxtails or other debris it may have picked up. Pay particular attention to areas under the legs and between foot pads. By routinely doing this, your dog will become more comfortable with being handled, making it easier should it need help. We suggest a quick brushing after walks to ensure your dog is clean and comfortable.

